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Why Vibrator is a better choice to man

I met my old friend at a mall this week after a gap of almost 20 years and could instantly recognize her because of her photograph in the reunion party which was organized a year back at my native place. Though I had committed to attend the event I could not make it to the event. One of my friends had displayed all the photographs of the event on his website along with details of what everyone is doing and about their family etc. I don’t think that she would want me to mention her so let me just call her ‘Sanya’. The website had given her location as ‘Mumbai’ and even had her email address but as I am lazy with mails I did not bother to write to her. A few days back I was looking at the website again and was thinking that I should get in touch with Sanya as we both are in the same city. Again my laziness caught up with me and I did not write a mail. That particular day I wanted to buy some provisions so I went to the Big Bazar outlet which was near my house. Sanya was surprised to see me too and complimented me by saying that I still look the same and have not changed much. We had coffee together and I invited her to my house and she agreed to come the next day.

As promised she came the next day and we chatted over tea and snacks. She told me that she had walked out of her husband after finding that he was cheating on her barely 3 years after marriage and have stayed single there after and is a successful business woman. She told me that her parents have moved in with her after her divorce. I told her that 10 years is a long time to stay single and that she should consider getting married again. She said she does not want to get married because she does not believe that any guy could in the real sense be a father to her 11 year old daughter from the first marriage and that she does not trust guys anymore. I said “But you need a man for you to love and be taken care off”. She replied defensively “Why do I need a man for that? I have a successful business. I do not need a man to take care of me or my daughter. My parents are with me. Talking of having someone to love other than my daughter or parents can’t I just love a dog or any other pet and be assured that at least I won’t be cheated behind my back? For protection there is my dog. He won’t let anyone in the house.” I said “But a woman has emotional or physical needs like sex for instance”. Sania started giggling and then said “You know what? A vibrator is a much better choice to a man”. We left the topic there and after some time she left after inviting me to spend a day with her family the coming weekend. After she had gone I kept thinking on how a vibrator is a better choice to a man and came up with the answers too. And that not just two or three but sixteen!

It is at her place that i saw another wonderful Product which i had no idea existed. Read more on this product at Boyfriend's Arm Pillow for Women link given below.

* Boyfriend Arm Pillows for Women

Boyfriend Arm Pillows are a wonderful solution for women who are lonely and craving for physical or manly comfort while sleeping or relaxing.
Here are my reasons on why a vibrator is a better choice to man.

* It can’t get you Pregnant.

* You do not have to be scared of sex related diseases.

* It does not smell of sweat.

* It does not have a bad breath or snore.

* You do not need to try those awkward positions.

* You do not have to worry about the size.

* It does not require you to participate or fake satisfaction.

* It is not too heavy that you have trouble breathing.

* It won’t get sentimental or emotionally black mail you.

* It does not require you to talk dirty or do anything else to get it up.

* It always satisfies you.

* It is ready any time you want it.

* It can be carried wherever you go and nobody would know that you are using it. You do not have to be scared of a scandal.

* It is low maintenance and does not require home cooked foods or gifts to be pleased.

* It would not get bored of you or leave you for another partner.

* It is easy to replace if you get tired of it.

I think that’s a great list we have here. No doubt she thinks that a vibrator is a better choice than a man. What say guys?